Diversity networks aim to drive change within physiotherapy

Members of the CSP’s diversity networks attended an annual development day on Thursday 19 September.

Diversity network members holding placards with a join us message
CSP diversity network members at a development day event

The agenda for the day featured a range of activities where network members were able to connect, share experiences, and engage in meaningful discussion around their roles as activists working collectively to drive change within the profession both in the workplace and in education. Plus discussion around the development opportunities available to them as CSP networks.

The CSP diversity networks who represent the interests of members who identify as Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME), Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex and Asexual+ (LGBTQIA+) and/or Disabled explored how they can increase collaboration amongst the networks to improve intersectional solidarity and strengthen existing peer support that they provide to members.

Commenting on the day, Deepa Barnabas, an advanced clinical practitioner in pain management at Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS trust and a member of the CSP BAME network leadership team, said:

It has been a great day listening to members from all of the CSP diversity networks. It has inspired me to look at other opportunities in the CSP where I can challenge myself and be more active.

Meanwhile, Paul Rees, deputy directorate lead for ambulatory care, advanced physiotherapy practitioner at Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS trust and Chair of CSP LGBTQIA+ network, said:

It was a collaborative day and an opportunity to come together as a collective of individuals with protected characteristics. I am more optimistic about the future and the day has reinforced my commitment to inclusion and belonging in the CSP.

Graham Watson, director of Kilmalcolm Physiotherapy and co-chair of the CSP DisAbility network, said: 

It felt like a welcoming and safe space

While Greet Janssens, physiotherapist and co-chair of the CSP DisAbility network, said:

I enjoyed the opportunity to cross work, and it felt like I was in a room where we all are friends.

The diversity networks are open to all CSP members – including students and associates – who identify as belonging to one or more of the network groups. Membership is on the basis of self-identification and is confidential.

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