Meet the new CSP organising team

Find out how the new organising team is supporting members in the workplace

New CSP Organising Team L/R: Lou Dear, Iain Croker and Sian Caulfield
New CSP Organising Team L/R: Lou Dear, Iain Croker and Sian Caulfield

CSP efforts at empowering members to protect and advance working conditions were given a boost this September when two full-time organisers Lou and Iain joined the workplace organising team. 

Lou, based in Glasgow, is covering the north of England, Northern Ireland and Scotland. Iain, based just outside London, is responsible for south of England. They join Sian, in post since May 2017, whose new patch comprises the Midlands and Wales. 

Training and support 

The new organising team has plenty on its plate, from sounding out members’ views on NHS pay for our submission to the pay review body, to engaging members over barriers to the restart of physio services and supporting the roll out of our equality, diversity and inclusion strategy in the workplace.  

Over the coming weeks and months, the organising team will also say hello and offer support to workplace reps, including stewards and safety reps who are new to the role or may have had difficulty in accessing training and support since the outbreak of Covid-19. And where it is clear there is a need for additional local reps, the CSP organising team will help recruit.  

Empowering workers 

Both Lou and Iain were previously involved in organising members in two sectors affected particularly strongly by Covid-19: education and aviation.  

Says Lou, who previously worked for EIS, a Scotland-based education union: ‘For me, organising is about empowering workers to gain more control over their work. Physiotherapists know best what works for them, for their patients and how physiotherapy fits into the bigger picture of health and social care. Organisers encourage workers to see and use their own skills and strengths, to form workplace collectives that are empowered, healthy and have a bigger say in shaping their own working conditions and patient care.’ 

Collective activity 

The CSP recognises that every member has differing levels of capacity and time available to get active in the CSP, and that there are huge work pressures today. But the scale and pace of change and the challenges this throws up means your union and professional body needs you more than ever.  

Iain, who was formerly with Unite, says: ‘The principle that small actions by many people can make a big difference is key to the power of the CSP. And it’s easier to become involved than you think. The hard part can be knowing where to start and how to begin your journey towards being an active member in our union. Once you’ve experienced the power of collective activity and its ability to make a positive change in your workplace, you will want to share that knowledge with others. That is how we grow both as individuals and as a union.’ 

Sian stresses the importance of members keeping in touch with local stewards and safety reps, and to consider standing for the role if there isn’t a rep in your employer. She adds: ‘Iain, Lou and I are also here to listen to your concerns, help amplify your voice and work with you and your reps to address them. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with the CSP organising team, and we can arrange (virtual) meetings with you and your colleagues to talk through problems in your workplace and try and find a way forward together.’  

Get involved 

  • Could you be a CSP workplace contact*, a steward or safety rep?

Would you like more information?

  • Contact us at the email below and we’ll be in touch. If you are already a steward or safety rep why not invite us to attend your next workplace meeting?  

Who to contact 

  • Scotland, Northern Ireland, the North East, the North West, Merseyside and Cheshire, and Yorkshire and Humber – Lou Dear  
  • South West, South Central, South East Coast and East of England and London – Iain Croker Midlands and Wales – Sian Caulfield  
  • You can contact the organising team at 

Go to the CSP website for advice and information on workplace issues

*A workplace contact is a great idea for members who wish to dip their toes into activity in the workplace without making the commitment of a steward or safety reps.  

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